The top 10 benefits of online personal training

The 10 Benefits Of Online Personal Training

Have you ever:

  • Struggled to motivate yourself to get to the gym?
  • Found it impossible to find the time to squeeze in a workout in your busy schedule?
  • Wondered who would watch the kids while you were at the gym?
  • Questioned if you were getting everything out of your pricy gym membership?
  • Felt lost in a group workout, like you had to compete for the instructor’s attention?

If any of these sounds like you, then you should consider online personal training. Online personal trainers are fitness experts who specialize in helping their clients achieve their well-being goals. Their expertise allows them to create customized workout routines, nutrition plans, and other lifestyle changes specifically tailored for you. Let’s look at some of the benefits of having an online personal trainer.

The top 10 benefits of online personal training

10 benefits of Having an Online Personal Trainer

1. You have a wide choice of personal trainers

When you look for a personal trainer near you, you’re limited to the ones who live close by. Online personal training services can provide you with a much wider range of personal trainers than a local gym. This gives you the chance to choose someone you ‘click’ with who can help you reach your goals.

2. You get professional advice tailored to you

An online personal trainers job is to help you reach your fitness goals. A good online personal trainer will be able to assess your current fitness level and give you personalized advice on how to achieve your desired results.

3. You get 1-on-1 attention and motivation

Having a personal trainer online means you won’t be competing with other students for your personal trainer’s attention. Instead, you will be the focus of their attention for the whole session. They will listen to what you want and be able to adjust things for you because it’s just you.

4. Communication is easy

With online personal training, you can communicate with your personal trainer anytime, anywhere, and they can do the same. This makes it easy for them to keep track of what you’re doing and make sure you’re staying active. And it’s easy for you to message them with any questions or updates about your routine. Plus, because everyone carries their phone everywhere, it’s easy for them to send motivational messages and images they know you love.

Woman Doing Ab Exercises to create a fitness habit

5. It makes you accountable

It can be a struggle to stick to a workout routine. Online personal trainers can help you stay motivated to exercise, even on days when it’s difficult. Just knowing that someone else is counting on you can give you the extra push you need to work out.

6. It fits around your lifestyle

Trying to cram in a last-second gym visit is one of the main reasons why people don’t exercise. It takes effort to get dressed, get to the gym, find a machine, and do the exercises. With online personal training, all that stuff happens before you leave the house. You just have to log onto your program and start moving. Done!

7. It's more affordable

Fitness can be expensive. Travel expenses like petrol or public transport fees, locker or equipment rentals, gym memberships, and exercise wear-these all add up quickly! Spending extra on a personal coach on top of that isn’t feasible for many people. That’s why online personal training can be a great option.

Online sessions are cheaper than in-person sessions because it costs less for your personal trainer too-they don’t have to come to the gym to see you! For those on a tight budget, you can save a lot and meet your fitness goals by hiring an online personal trainer.

8. Choose when you workout

At the gym, you may not be able to workout during the class times offered. But with online personal training, you have control over all your workouts. You can exercise when it fits your schedule, whether that means before breakfast or after work. Online personal training lets you adjust your fitness schedule to suit your life instead of adjusting your life to suit your fitness schedule.

9. Choose where you workout

The gym is the place most people think of for working out, but for various reasons it’s just not possible for everybody to visit one. If you are unable to visit a gym or prefer not to, then online personal training could be a great alternative. You can exercise in your favorite park, your home, the beach, anywhere you feel comfortable.


It’s also perfect for those who travel often and want to stay fit whenever they move. With an online personal trainer, their hotel room could become their gym.

Suggested Read: Do you want to learn how to make fitness a habit, wherever you are? Read our blog post about our 10 tips to maintaining a fitness habit here!

10. You can easily track your progress

It’s difficult to stick with a physical training program for a long time. Many people give up before achieving their goals because they’re not sure how much they’ve improved from where they started. They may be unable to tell whether they’ve made progress at all.

With online personal training, it’s easy to keep track of your fitness transformation. Because it’s online, there are countless apps and websites your online personal trainer may use to help you track your health and wellness. This is so important to monitor your fitness journey, see where you can get better, and most importantly, motivate yourself to keep going.

Ready to hire an online personal trainer?

Begin your online personal training journey now with The Web PT!
  1. Online Custom training plans delivered by experts.
  2. Our plans are a fraction of the cost of a face-to-face personal trainer.
  3. 100% tailored to you and your environment.
  4. Whatever your goal- we’ll reach it together!
  5. Easy to use all in one training app with instructional videos.
Online personal training app

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