
Personal Trainer Marbella

Fitness Blogs

8 Fitness Expectations Vs Reality

Physical Fitness: 8 Expectations vs. Reality

Busting 8 Myths about Physical Fitness

Picture the perfect workout. You have a tailored fitness plan. You show up rocking the coolest new gear, you breeze your way through a tough but doable workout, and you leave the gym with a satisfied smile. You eat a perfectly balanced breakfast and check yourself out in the mirror. Are you seeing things or do you look a bit trimmer? Feeling 100% refreshed, you’re ready to do it all again the next morning. 

Now ask yourself, how often has that happened to you? Probably never. Imagining the results from a workout can look very different in reality. But just because your exercise sessions don’t look like an Instagram image doesn’t mean you won’t see the results you want. By changing your fitness mindset and exercising smart, you can look and feel your best.

Fitness expectations vs reality

Myth #1 You need to look like the athletes online.

It’s easy to compare ourselves to others. Just scroll through your phone and you will see professional bodybuilders and shredded athletes. The message is “This is what you need to look like.” But that simply isn’t true. It’s more important that you focus on becoming the healthiest person you can be. And that will look different for everyone. 


A bodybuilder’s physique isn’t going to do you any good if you want to become faster. And a ripped runner isn’t who you need to be if you want to build muscle. Aim to look like what is best and healthiest for you. That may mean sacrificing muscle for speed, or skinniness for strength.


As long as you workout in a way that is right for you, you will build a strong, healthy body.

Myth #2 The best way to track your progress is by your weight.

Weight isn’t the most important factor of measuring success at the gym. Body composition is much more important.

Everyone holds their weight differently. Body composition measurements tell you what percentage of your weight is muscle mass, skeletal muscle, and fat. If you can measure your body composition you will get a much healthier picture of your body than by just measuring your weight. By monitoring these percentages, you can measure how your workouts are affecting your body.

Myth #3 You will look like your athletic role model.

Sadly, not all of us can look like Chris Hemsworth or Serena Williams. Apart from their crazy training routines, they may simply be built physically different than you are. That’s because of genetics.

Genetics determine how you look. They affect everything from your body shape to the type of workout that will be most effective for you.

If you have a smaller figure, no amount of sparring will make you bigger. Likewise, it’s not realistic for someone with a large figure to shrink down to a smaller person’s frame.

Getting to know your body shape can be a helpful tool for you to understand what workouts and nutrition plans will benefit you the most.

Find your body type here

Myth #4 You have to exercise at the same time each day.

Everyone seems busy now, and often no two days look the same. It can feel impossible to make fitness a habit. But it’s more important to work out consistently. So don’t be afraid to be flexible, and try to find a time that works for you, even if that means exercising at a different time. 

Maybe you can get in a quick workout before picking up the kids from school. You could visit the gym straight after work before relaxing on the weekend. If you’re a night owl, use that surge of late-night energy to move. Find what works for you, and keep going. That’s the quickest way to see results. 

Suggested Read: It can be difficult to make fitness a habit. Read our tips on how to do that here!

Myth #5 You can exercise your way back to your 20-year-old body.

Our bodies change naturally as we age and experience life. Pregnancy, injuries, diet, and activity will affect how our bodies look each year. In general, once people age past 30, the body can start to change.

But don’t worry! Instead of wishing for the body you used to have, it is more beneficial to focus on improving your body now. Accept where you are and work to improve. It’s never too late to get into shape. Besides; a large contributing factor to weight gain is lifestyle; meaning if you change your lifestyle to be more active, you can change your body!

You don't have to workout 24/7 to stay in shape!

Myth #6 You have to work out 24/7 to stay in shape.

The saying is work smarter, not harder, and it’s true. Consistency will get you results. But that doesn’t mean you need to go to the gym everyday.

In fact, you need rest days in order to gain the full benefit of a workout. But how many rest days you need will differ from person to person. It will also affect the results of your exercising.

If you workout 3 times a week for one hour, you will see different results from someone who works out 5 days a week for two hours. 

This doesn’t mean one way is right and one is wrong. It just means that you will get out what you put in, and that some people need to put in more than others. Ultimately, it’s not about who is working out the hardest or the most often, but who is exercising the smartest (and having the most fun!) By paying attention to what your body needs and working with it instead of against it, you will see good results from your workouts.

Myth #7 You need a lot of equipment to get started.

Nope! All you need to get started is a good attitude. Really.

While it depends on the type of workouts you do, you shouldn’t need much to start. Bodyweight exercises and running don’t require any other gear. Of course, you’re going to need certain equipment as you advance, but don’t worry about it when you start. 

Instead, focus on building good habits as you begin your physical fitness journey. Once you are firmly grounded in your fitness plan, you can incorporate more advanced equipment into your routine. 

Suggested Read: Struggling to find the motivation to workout? Hire me to be your online personal trainer! Read about the benefits of working with an online personal trainer here. 

Myth #8 As long as you exercise, you can eat anything you want.

Sadly, no. Diet plays a huge role in determining our physical well being. For people who exercise casually (2-4 times per week), nutrition makes up 80% of your physical well being. 

However, trying fad diets or alternating between significantly different diet plans can harm your body. Instead, try working with a qualified nutritionist or personal trainer. They will help you come up with a meal plan that is right for you and that will give you the most energy and nutrients while keeping you lean. 

Remember, eating ‘bad’ food can negate the positive effects of all your hard work. Your body needs both fuel and power to function, so slacking on one just won’t cut it. Keep eating, keep working out, and keep doing your best to find the balance between them.

Change your fitness mindset

Ready to begin your fitness transformation journey now? I am a professional fitness coach prepared to transform your mindset about fitness and guide you to reach your goals.

8 fitness myths vs reality

Physical Fitness: 8 Expectations vs. Reality Read More »

The top 10 benefits of online personal training

The 10 Benefits Of Online Personal Training

Have you ever:

  • Struggled to motivate yourself to get to the gym?
  • Found it impossible to find the time to squeeze in a workout in your busy schedule?
  • Wondered who would watch the kids while you were at the gym?
  • Questioned if you were getting everything out of your pricy gym membership?
  • Felt lost in a group workout, like you had to compete for the instructor’s attention?

If any of these sounds like you, then you should consider online personal training. Online personal trainers are fitness experts who specialize in helping their clients achieve their well-being goals. Their expertise allows them to create customized workout routines, nutrition plans, and other lifestyle changes specifically tailored for you. Let’s look at some of the benefits of having an online personal trainer.

The top 10 benefits of online personal training

10 benefits of Having an Online Personal Trainer

1. You have a wide choice of personal trainers

When you look for a personal trainer near you, you’re limited to the ones who live close by. Online personal training services can provide you with a much wider range of personal trainers than a local gym. This gives you the chance to choose someone you ‘click’ with who can help you reach your goals.

2. You get professional advice tailored to you

An online personal trainers job is to help you reach your fitness goals. A good online personal trainer will be able to assess your current fitness level and give you personalized advice on how to achieve your desired results.

3. You get 1-on-1 attention and motivation

Having a personal trainer online means you won’t be competing with other students for your personal trainer’s attention. Instead, you will be the focus of their attention for the whole session. They will listen to what you want and be able to adjust things for you because it’s just you.

4. Communication is easy

With online personal training, you can communicate with your personal trainer anytime, anywhere, and they can do the same. This makes it easy for them to keep track of what you’re doing and make sure you’re staying active. And it’s easy for you to message them with any questions or updates about your routine. Plus, because everyone carries their phone everywhere, it’s easy for them to send motivational messages and images they know you love.

Woman Doing Ab Exercises to create a fitness habit

5. It makes you accountable

It can be a struggle to stick to a workout routine. Online personal trainers can help you stay motivated to exercise, even on days when it’s difficult. Just knowing that someone else is counting on you can give you the extra push you need to work out.

6. It fits around your lifestyle

Trying to cram in a last-second gym visit is one of the main reasons why people don’t exercise. It takes effort to get dressed, get to the gym, find a machine, and do the exercises. With online personal training, all that stuff happens before you leave the house. You just have to log onto your program and start moving. Done!

7. It's more affordable

Fitness can be expensive. Travel expenses like petrol or public transport fees, locker or equipment rentals, gym memberships, and exercise wear-these all add up quickly! Spending extra on a personal coach on top of that isn’t feasible for many people. That’s why online personal training can be a great option.

Online sessions are cheaper than in-person sessions because it costs less for your personal trainer too-they don’t have to come to the gym to see you! For those on a tight budget, you can save a lot and meet your fitness goals by hiring an online personal trainer.

8. Choose when you workout

At the gym, you may not be able to workout during the class times offered. But with online personal training, you have control over all your workouts. You can exercise when it fits your schedule, whether that means before breakfast or after work. Online personal training lets you adjust your fitness schedule to suit your life instead of adjusting your life to suit your fitness schedule.

9. Choose where you workout

The gym is the place most people think of for working out, but for various reasons it’s just not possible for everybody to visit one. If you are unable to visit a gym or prefer not to, then online personal training could be a great alternative. You can exercise in your favorite park, your home, the beach, anywhere you feel comfortable.


It’s also perfect for those who travel often and want to stay fit whenever they move. With an online personal trainer, their hotel room could become their gym.

Suggested Read: Do you want to learn how to make fitness a habit, wherever you are? Read our blog post about our 10 tips to maintaining a fitness habit here!

10. You can easily track your progress

It’s difficult to stick with a physical training program for a long time. Many people give up before achieving their goals because they’re not sure how much they’ve improved from where they started. They may be unable to tell whether they’ve made progress at all.

With online personal training, it’s easy to keep track of your fitness transformation. Because it’s online, there are countless apps and websites your online personal trainer may use to help you track your health and wellness. This is so important to monitor your fitness journey, see where you can get better, and most importantly, motivate yourself to keep going.

Ready to hire an online personal trainer?

Begin your online personal training journey now with The Web PT!
  1. Online Custom training plans delivered by experts.
  2. Our plans are a fraction of the cost of a face-to-face personal trainer.
  3. 100% tailored to you and your environment.
  4. Whatever your goal- we’ll reach it together!
  5. Easy to use all in one training app with instructional videos.
Online personal training app

The 10 Benefits Of Online Personal Training Read More »

8 Fitness Expectations Vs Reality

10 Expert Tips to Build an Unbreakable Fitness Habit

Do you struggle to make fitness a habit? Maybe you started exercising only to stop after a few workouts. 

What happened? 

The short answer: it depends. Many things can impact whether or not you succeed at creating a sustainable workout routine. We know each person’s situation is different. So, we want to share the top 8 tips we’ve learned that will help you create and maintain an unbreakable fitness habit today.

8 fitness myths vs reality

How To Make Fitness A Habit

1. Set cues and rewards to motivate yourself

According to researchers at University College London, our brains are hard-wired to take the easiest route when faced with a difficult choice. So if you find it challenging to get up and get moving in the morning, you aren’t alone! But how can you get around this annoying biological block? You need to set consistent cues to tell your brain ‘hey, it’s time to workout now!’ 

For example, try to go to the gym right after work. By doing this, your brain will associate finishing work with going to the gym, and it will become a habit. 

“You can alter the spaces where you live and work to increase your exposure to positive cues and reduce your exposure to negative ones. Environment design allows you to take back control and become the architect of your life. Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.” -James Clear, Atomic Habits

Don’t forget to reward yourself! This is one of the most important parts of creating a physical fitness habit. The reward can be something as simple as watching an episode of your favorite TV show or as nice as treating yourself to a night out. Whatever your reward is, use it to motivate yourself to finish what you started.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Imagine an Olympic athlete lifting an enormous amount of weight. Now, imagine you trying that at your gym. You’d probably fail miserably. 

That’s why it’s so important to start small. Starting small gives you the best chance to see the results you want.

If you want to lift 100 kgs, try to lift 10 kgs first. After you master that, you can lift heavier weights until you reach your goal. This method breaks up your goal into smaller, more realistic steps. 

3. Get accountability to help you stay on track

It can be so helpful to bring someone with you on your physical fitness journey. You could hire an online personal trainer for when you need a burst of motivation or made-for-you exercise plan. Or you could workout with a friend. 

Just talking about your intention to workout can be enough to keep you motivated to stick to your goals. So post to social media, tell your partner, and let your flatmates know that you will be at the gym. Who knows, maybe they’ll join you!

Suggested Read: Online personal trainers offer one-on-one support, expert advice, and 24/7 communication to help you reach your fitness goals. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of having an online personal trainer, read our blog post here!

4. Create a ritual so you know what to expect

Our brains love routine. By creating a ritual, you are effectively training your brain to expect a workout at the same time each day. You can harness the power of your brain to make it work for you.

Your routine could be to prepare your workout clothes the night before, to go to a certain location, or to do stretches before you exercise. Doing these things can make it easier to maintain a fitness habit.

Woman Doing Ab Exercises to create a fitness habit

5. Get Creative + Be Flexible

While having a routine is crucial to meeting your goals, don’t be afraid to change things up once you have established regular fitness habits.  

6. Make it fun

Are you tired of running on the treadmill? Sign up for a marathon or join an online race! 

Bored of the same weight-lifting routine? Switch up the order of your sets or try a new machine. 

Even small changes like listening to different music or wearing new clothes can re-energize you and keep you motivated.

7. Go with the flow

If you try to cram exercise into your already busy life, you will only end up stressed. Instead, pick a time that is convenient for you to exercise.

It could be in the morning before your family wakes up or just after work in order to burn off work stress. 

It doesn’t matter when you exercise; the important thing is that it fits into your life with minimal effort. 

8. Use apps to track your progress

Gone are the days when you had to use a notebook at the gym. Now, you can use your phone to monitor every area of your physical health. There are plenty of apps and websites available to help you track your progress. 

At PT Marbella, we use our custom app designed to make it easier for you to understand your health and meet your fitness goals. We believe that seeing how much you improve can really motivate you to stay on track.

9. Think about the bigger picture

Whether your fitness goals are to build muscle or develop stamina, you need to do a little of both to be healthy. So if your goal is to build muscle, don’t forget to go on a run. If you are a runner, don’t forget to lift weights.

This can benefit you by breaking up the monotony of doing the same exercises over and over, as well as making you stronger all around.

10. Physical activity and mental health are connected

Your physical and mental health are connected. If you want to develop a strong physical fitness habit, then don’t forget to care for your mental health too. Activities such as yoga and meditation can put you in the right frame of mind to have a great workout. 

Suggested Read: Want to know exactly how physical activity impacts your mental health? Read our blog post here! 

Ready to build an unbreakable fitness habit and reach your goals? Contact our expert personal trainer Emily today to create your personal training plan!

In Summary

1. Set Cues And Rewards To Motivate Yourself​

2. Set Realistic Goals

3. Get Accountability To Help You Stay On Track

4. Create A Ritual So You Know What To Expect

5. Get Creative + Be Flexible

6. Make It Fun

7. Go With The Flow

8. Use Apps To Track Your Progress

9. Think About The Bigger Picture

10. Physical Activity And Mental Health Are Connected

Emily Bitton PT Marbella helping you to create fitness habits

10 Expert Tips to Build an Unbreakable Fitness Habit Read More »

Caffeine supplementation

The Only 4 Sports Supplements You Need

The Only 4 Sports Suppliments You Need

The sports supplement market is one of the fastest growing industries in 2022. But the vast majority of sports supplements have been proven to be ineffective. So how do you know which supplements to trust? 

We have compiled a list of the only 4 sports supplements that are scientifically backed and proven to help with muscle growth and performance. Supplements are no magic pill. However, if used correctly, supplements can provide great benefits to your training when coupled with the right exercise and nutrition plan.

Protein Powder Supplement Sports

1. protein powder

Protein powder is a great supplement to help you hit your daily protein goals. But it’s not all the same.
Whey protein powder is the highest quality protein source. It contains the most Leucine (an amino acid that builds muscle). When you buy protein powder, make sure to check that whey protein is the main ingredient.
View our favourite whey protein powders for building muscle here!

You should aim to get the majority of your protein intake from whole foods like lean chicken breast, eggs, or tofu.
However, protein powder is a great alternative for several reasons. It is significantly lower in fat and higher in protein compared to some whole-food protein sources like beef, pork, and fish. It is also easier to prepare than whole foods- you simply mix it into a smoothie or yoghourt bowl. All of this makes protein powder a great addition to help you meet your daily macro goals.
For those who are vegan or lactose intolerant, check out this chart for some great vegan alternatives. While they don’t have the super-food quality of whey protein sources, they’re still a great, lean addition to your diet to help boost your daily protein. Being a vegan will not impact your ability to put on muscle, provided you are getting an adequate variety of protein from different sources. There are also a great number of vegan protein powders available on the market too. View our favorite vegan protein powder for building muscle here!

Leucine concentrations of various protein sources

How much protein should you consume each day? It depends on several factors such as your goals, age, gender, and weight. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should aim to get 0.8-1.2g of protein per kg. of body weight.

Calculate how much protein you need each day here.

2. Creatine

Creatine is a naturally occurring molecule in skeletal muscle. It helps provide strength and stamina when we use those muscles.
(Skeletal muscles are the muscles that are attached to our skeleton, such as our biceps, quads, deltoids, and abs.)
High rep strength training exercises and explosive exercises like sprinting or a round of boxing deplete our natural stores of creatine. Taking creatine supplements can quickly replensh your body’s store of creatine and allow you to push through another few reps or lift heavier weights.
A 2003 study reviewing 22 creatine based studies discovered that those who took creatine supplements developed an 8% increase in muscular strength compared to those who took a placebo supplement.
However, it’s important to remember that although creatine has been proven to help develop muscular strength, the muscular gains you will get are down to how much effort you put into your training. You will need to train hard to reap the rewards of creatine. Click here to view my recommended creatine product for building muscle.

Man performing strength exercise

3. caffeine

Caffeine is a widely used supplement that has been proven to enhance endurance-based activities. Muscular endurance, sprinting, jumping, and throwing performance can all benefit from caffeine.
Athletes who consumed caffeine saw an average increase of 20% in the amount of reps they were able to perform. Over time, caffeine can also enhance muscle growth through the increase of volume of weight the muscles have lifted.
A 2021 study showed that those who ingested between 3-6mg of caffeine per kg of body mass had improved exercise performance. It did not matter whether the individuals were trained or untrained.
In addition to its positive effects on aerobic and anaerobic exercises, caffeine is considered to be an ergogenic aid. This means that it enhances cognitive function, attentiveness and vigilance in most individuals, which may provide extra sports performance benefits.
We advise not ingesting caffeine until just before a workout where you really need an extra boost. This lowers your chance of developing a caffeine intolerance.

Habitual caffeine intake may severely reduce the effectiveness of caffeine on your performance. It’s possible that the ergogenic effects of caffeine will be less significant.

Caffeine supplementation

Habitual caffeine intake may severely reduce the effectiveness of caffeine on your performance. It’s possible that the ergogenic effects of caffeine will be less significant.

4. Beta-Alanine

Fitness man performing strength exercise

Beta-alanine is an amino acid that increases the level of carnosine in your muscles. Carnosine is a buffer that helps prevent the “burning effect” you get when performing muscular strength, high rep and high endurance training.
Similar to caffeine, beta-alanine increases the volume you can lift in one session. Over time and with consistent effort, beta-alanine will assist in increasing muscular size and efficiency.
Beta-alanine has not been proven to improve performance when performing low-rep ranges, but it has improved performance in high-rep ranges and in endurance training. Click here to view my recommended beta-alanine product for building muscle.

Ready to increase your performance in a healthy, natural way? 

At PT Marbella, we provide custom training and nutrition plans for competitive prices. Communicate 24/7 with your assigned personal trainer in our all-in-1 app and view your fitness and nutrition plan in one place. Track workouts, progress and more with our app.

Our all in 1 personal training app

The Only 4 Sports Supplements You Need Read More »

Fitness man performing strength exercise

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Building Muscle

5 Reasons Why You're Not Building Muscle

Muscle building is one of the most common reasons why people go to the gym. If you’re putting in the time and not seeing results, have a look at these 5 reasons why you’re not building muscle.

Man not strong enough to open a jar of pickles

1. You aren't training at the right intensity level

You don’t have to take every set to the point of failure, but you do have to take every set close to the point where you’d find it difficult to complete another 1-3 reps.

How to train to build muscle effectively

Adaptations include; increasing the reps, weight, sets or varying the exercise because over time your muscles adapt to the movements to make them easier to complete. 

Effective training to build muscle should be a combination of two things: how much your muscles tense during a workout and how fast you use up metabolic energy. 

For those who want to maximise their muscle growth, a good workout foundation utilises both of these elements. Resistance training consisting of multiple sets (3−6) of six to twelve repetitions with short rest intervals (60 seconds) is a great foundation to build muscle.

Strong man doing a pull up with back muscles showing

How to adapt your workout to keep building muscle

If you find the last few reps are easy, you know you need to adapt your plan to put your muscles under enough stress to grow. Without consistent adaptations, you won’t build muscle.

Adaptations include increasing your reps, adding more weight, doing more sets or varying your exercises. Over time, your muscles adapt to the movements which makes them easier to complete. To keep growing, you have to push yourself to perform harder movements.

2. You're simply not eating enough

Woman serving herself salad and meat

A calorie surplus is eating more than your body uses for energy each day. 

But how do you know how much your body uses for energy each day, and how do you know how many calories you should consume?

The answer? It depends. Everyone is different, and factors such as our genetics, age, gender and training experience influence how our body is composed and our potential to gain muscle or fat. 

But as a general rule of thumb, we should aim to eat 200-500 calories in surplus per day in order to gain muscle. Use this calorie calculator to determine your daily calorie intake.

However, the most important factor to consider is the quality of the calories you ingest. Your macronutrient intake must be able to provide your body with the quality nutrients it requires.

PT Marbella’s nutrition plans are tailored to you to ensure you receive the maximum benefit after a comprehensive analysis of your lifestyle and body type.

3. You're isolating your muscles too much

Strong woman looking at muscly physique in the mirror

Don’t get me wrong, isolating muscles is a great way to push individual muscles to fatigue, give your muscles definition, and focus on areas of weakness.

However, compound movements produce the most functional benefits. Squats, dead-lifts and bench presses are compound movements. 

These movements utilise multiple muscle groups in a rhythmic manner to improve coordination, overall posture and alignment, and balance and strength. 

It’s important your workout routine contains a solid combination of both isolation movements and compound movements. 

PT Marbella will develop a fully tailored online training plan specific to your goals. Our plans are personalised for home workouts, gym workouts and body-weight workouts. Explore the options here.

4. You're not getting enough sleep

Woman getting good quality sleep

Quality sleep is often overlooked as a factor that affects your muscle gains. Poor sleep can cause a lack of performance in the gym and a lack of muscle growth. 

When you don’t get enough sleep, your hormones become imbalanced. Testosterone decreases, cortisol increases, and growth hormones that are essential for muscle repair decrease. 

This effect is so pronounced that scientists now hypothesise that sleep deprivation can decrease the activity of the proteins responsible for repairing muscles, which means your muscles may not heal as quickly when you sleep. This can cause you to lose muscle mass and hinder muscle recovery after exercising. 

Therefore, it’s important to get a good 7-9 hours of sleep each night. If you struggle to doze off, consider turning off electronics 30 minutes to 1 hour before bedtime and relaxing with a book or a warm bath before bed. 

5. You're focusing too much on cardio

Women performing a running cardio activity

When your main goal is to build muscle, you don’t want to be spending too much time on the treadmill. 

Cardio can actually be counterproductive to muscle growth as it can cause your body to break down your muscles to use for energy. This is called catabolism, and it stops you from building muscle.  

If you’re looking to both build muscle and lose fat, slotting a cardio session or two into your weekly schedule can help you achieve that. But you need to ensure that the majority of your training is focused on weight-training. 

Why not combine weight-training and cardio by including HIT (High Intensity Training) in your workout routine? I am a certified personal trainer dedicated to helping you meet your fitness goals. Contact me to learn more. 

Still not building muscle?

If you feel you are meeting all of the above and still don’t know why you aren’t building muscle, or if you want more guidance as to exactly what you should be doing inside and outside the gym, fill out our free consultation form so we can offer our expert advice to help you reach your muscle gains goals.

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Building Muscle Read More »


Fitness Blogs

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Physical Fitness: 8 Expectations vs. Reality

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The 10 Benefits Of Online Personal Training

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10 Expert Tips to Build an Unbreakable Fitness Habit

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The Only 4 Sports Supplements You Need

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5 Reasons Why You’re Not Building Muscle

Facebook Youtube 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Building Muscle Muscle building is one of the most common reasons why people go to the gym. If you’re putting in the time and not seeing results, have a...

3 Steps to Eliminate Bad Habits and Build Positive Ones.

3 steps to eliminate bad habits and build positive ones. If you’ve tried to break a bad habit before, then you will  realise it isn’t all that easy. The problem is, habits are...

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1. How to eliminate bad habits and say no to smoking

3 Steps to Eliminate Bad Habits and Build Positive Ones.

3 steps to eliminate bad habits and build positive ones.

If you’ve tried to break a bad habit before, then you know it is not easy. This is because habits are ingrained in our subconscious and are often built over many years of repetition.

Whether we find ourselves bingeing on chocolate late at night, smoking cigarettes when we feel stressed or scrolling through Facebook as soon as we wake up, bad habits affect us all.

But the good news is, there are ways we can identify subconscious patterns and break the bad habits we’ve built up over the years.

Here is a 3 step process to get you started!

1. How to eliminate bad habits and say no to smoking

Step 1 - Score your habits

Grab a pen and paper. It’s time to take a look at your typical day and separate your daily habits into three categories: negative, positive and neutral. 

This is a great way to become more conscious of any negative habits in your life so you know where to focus on improving. 

Below is an example category chart to get you started:

Step 1 of how to eliminate bad habits- Score Your Habits

Step 2 - Make the negative habits harder

Now that you know your daily habit patterns, you can select a few negative habits you want to focus on changing

To do this, you need to find ways to make the habits harder to initiate. Once the habits become invisible, they won’t be as present in your subconscious. 

For example, have you ever seen a TV advertisement showcasing a delicious new creamy chocolate bar? All of the sudden your mouth is salivating and you’re thinking of the quickest way to get your hands on that chocolate so you can satisfy your craving. If that advertisement didn’t exist, you probably wouldn’t have craved chocolate at that time.

Step 2 - Make negative habits harder

Step 3 - Make the positive habits easier

Step 3 is the reverse of step 2. In order to incorporate new positive daily habits, you need to make them more obvious. 

For example, if you want to develop the habit of running each morning, you could put your workout clothes beside your night table before you go to bed. 

That way, the first thing you will see when you wake up is your workout clothes. This makes it easier to start your run than if you had to scramble up and search for your running clothes in the morning.

Step 3- Make positive habits easier

It isn’t easy to eliminate bad habits, but we believe you can do it!


Start by using these three steps to eliminate bad habits and create positive new ones. It isn’t an easy process; but the good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. 

At PT Marbella we help our clients make lifestyle changes that actually last a lifetime. If you’re ready to eliminate bad habits and develop new ones, check out our online personal training plans today.

3 Steps to Eliminate Bad Habits and Build Positive Ones. Read More »

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